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Posts Tagged ‘colorado’

Apparently the Denver Post is a little squeamish over what Colorado House Democrats are trying to accomplish with their simple “house cleaning” bill that will impact the Congressional redistricting process in Colorado.

Here we are, in the waning weeks of the state legislative session, and Democratic leadership has introduced a bill that would whack a big part of congressional redistricting law from the books.

Just house cleaning, the Democrats say, not to worry.

Color us skeptical.

Nothing is more political than the re-drawing of congressional boundaries, and both political parties have engaged in their share of strategy (and shenanigans) over the years to better position themselves to capture or retain seats in Congress. (Remember the Republicans’ “midnight gerrymander” of 2003?)

House Bill 1408, introduced late last week, has not been heard in committee, so there is little in the way of public record, or clues as to what it portends.

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Last Updated on Thursday, 22 April 2010 06:44

From the Denver Post:

Colorado Republican Party Chairman Dick Wadhams said the legislation, House Bill 1408, would “change the rules so rural Colorado will essentially be disenfranchised from electing members of Congress.”

Senate Majority Leader John Morse, D-Colorado Springs, and House Majority Leader Paul Weissman, D-Louisville, introduced the bill last week, and Wadhams zeroed in on a provision he said would remove a requirement that the eastern plains and western slope be seen as “communities of interest” and not be split into multiple congressional districts.

But Wadhams also turned his fire on Democratic Secretary of State Bernie Buescher, referring to the redistricting bill as the “Morse-Weissmann-Buescher” bill.

“This is a very disturbing pattern of behavior by Buescher and Democratic legislators who are desperate to rig Colorado elections,” Wadhams said in a statement.

But Rich Coolidge, a spokesman for Buescher, said his boss had not even seen a copy of the bill until this morning.

“We had nothing to do with that,” Coolidge said.

Wadhams scoffed at that.

“That’s funny,” Wadhams said. “He claimed he had nothing to do with the Carroll Acorn Empowerment Act either a couple of weeks ago. Does he support this bill that guts rural Colorado or not?”

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 08:10