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OH: Senate Takes Up Redistricting Measure

From the Marietta Times

The Ohio Senate this week is considering a measure recently passed in the House that would change the way the state’s legislative districts are drawn every 10 years.

The Senate passed its own version of a redistricting plan last year. If a compromise version can pass both chambers by Aug. 4, a constitutional amendment will appear on the November ballot. Voters must approve any change in the redistricting process since it’s a change to the state’s constitution.

State Rep. Jennifer Garrison, D-Marietta, co-sponsor of the House bill, said she’s hopeful the measure could be on its way toward those steps this week. The House bill’s sponsor in the Senate is currently working with the House to craft a compromise, she said.

“Stay tuned. This might be a good week for reapportionment,” Garrison said.

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